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Guance supports a one-stop view and audit of all event data. You can monitor and query events triggered by all sources in real-time, and also quickly identify anomalies and efficiently analyze abnormal data by aggregating related events and matching associated events.

Where are events from?

  • All alert events triggered based on the configured Monitor;
  • Based on the configuration, all alert events triggered by Intelligent Monitoring;
  • All alert events triggered based on the configured Auto Detection;
  • All alert events triggered based on configured SLO;
  • Audit events based on system operations;
  • Support for writing custom events through the OpenAPI of events. For more details, see Creating Event API.

Use Cases

  • Unified event management
  • Event visualization query and analysis
  • Associated event query


 Learn more
Unrecovered Events All Events
Intelligent Monitoring Events Triggered by Monitors

Field Description

Fields Description
date / timestamp Generation time
df_date_range Event date range
df_check_range_start Detection range start time
df_check_range_end Detection range end time
df_issue_start_time The time of the first failure of the current round
df_issue_duration The duration of this round of failures (from df_issue_start_time to this event)
df_source Event source, including monitor, user, system, custom, audit
df_status Event status, including ok, info, warning, error, critical, nodata, nodata_ok, nodata_as_ok, manual_ok
df_sub_status Event status details. e.g.
ok:Events recover from warning, error, critical, and other failure states
nodata_ok:Event returns to normal from nodata state
nodata_as_ok:Event nodata status is regarded as returning to normal
manual_ok:Events of user active recovery
df_event_id Event ID
df_title Event title
df_message Event message
  • When df_source = monitor, the following additional fields exist:
Fields Description
df_dimension_tags Event detection dimension tags, e.g. {"host":"web01"}
df_monitor_id alert policy ID
df_monitor_name alert policy name
df_monitor_type Monitor Type. e.g.
custom:Events generated by self-built monitoring
slo:SLO event
bot_obs:Auto detection event
df_monitor_checker Monitor checker type. e.g. custom_metric/custom_logcustom_apm/…
df_monitor_checker_sub Monitor checker stage. e.g. nodata/check
df_monitor_checker_id Monitor cherker ID
df_monitor_checker_name Monitor checker name
df_monitor_checker_value Detection result value when the event is generated
df_monitor_checker_ref Association monitor
This tag is used to filter events that are detected by the same DQL statement
df_monitor_checker_event_ref Associate Monitor Events
This tag is used to filter events for the same object generated by the same monitor
df_monitor_ref_key The association Key of the self-built patrol, through which the events generated by the self-built patrol are associated
df_event_detail Full details of the incident
df_user_id For manual recovery, the operator user ID
df_user_name For manual recovery, the operator user name
df_user_email For manual recovery, the operator user mailbox
df_exec_mode Exec mode,e.g.
corontab: Automatic trigger, timed execution
async: Invoked asynchronously, executed manually
  • When df_source = audit, the following additional fields exist:
Fields Description
df_user_id the operator user ID
df_user_name the operator user name
df_user_email the operator user mailbox
{Other Fields} Other fields based on specific audit data requirements
  • When df_source = user, the following additional fields exist:
Fields Description
df_user_id the operator user ID
df_user_name the operator user name
df_user_email the operator user mailbox
{Other Fields} Other fields that generate events based on user actions

Event Storage Policy

Guance provides three data storage time choices for event data: 14 days, 30 days and 60 days. If you choose the data storage time of 30 days, events generated from different sources will be stored in 30 days. You can adjust as required in Management > Settings > Change Data Storage Strategy.

See Data Storage Strategy for more data storage policies.


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