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Redis Sentinel

Redis-sentinel metrics display, including Redis clusters, Slaves, node distribution information, and so on.


Download redis-sentinel-exporter metric collector

Download address

Start redis-sentinel-exporter

java -Xmx64m -jar redis-sentinel-exporter-0.2.jar --spring.redis.sentinel.master=mymaster --spring.redis.sentinel.nodes=",,"

Parameter description spring.redis.sentinel.master: Cluster name spring.redis.sentinel.nodes: Sentry node address

Collector Configuration

Metric Collection

  • Open the DataKit Prom plug-in and copy the sample file
cd /usr/local/datakit/conf.d/prom/
cp prom.conf.sample redis-sentinel-prom.conf
  • Modify redis-sentinel-prom.conf Profile

??? Quote' redis-sentinel-prom.conf '

# {"version": "1.2.12", "desc": "do NOT edit this line"}

## Exporter URLs
urls = ["http://localhost:6390/metrics"]

ignore_req_err = false

source = "redis_sentinel"

metric_types = []

measurement_name = "redis_sentinel"
interval = "10s"

  • Restart DataKit (configure log collection to restart if log needs to be turned on)
systemctl restart datakit


Configure Collector

  • Modify redis.conf Profile
  ## required
  logfiles = [

  ## glob filteer
  ignore = [""]

  ## your logging source, if it's empty, use 'default'
  source = "redis-sentinel"

  ## add service tag, if it's empty, use $source.
  service = "redis-sentinel"

  ## grok pipeline script name
  pipeline = ""

  ## optional status:
  ##   "emerg","alert","critical","error","warning","info","debug","OK"
  ignore_status = []

  ## optional encodings:
  ##    "utf-8", "utf-16le", "utf-16le", "gbk", "gb18030" or ""
  character_encoding = ""

  ## datakit read text from Files or Socket , default max_textline is 32k
  ## If your log text line exceeds 32Kb, please configure the length of your text, 
  ## but the maximum length cannot exceed 32Mb 
  # maximum_length = 32766

  ## The pattern should be a regexp. Note the use of '''this regexp'''
  ## regexp link:
  # multiline_match = '''^\S'''

  ## removes ANSI escape codes from text strings
  remove_ansi_escape_codes = false

  ## if file is inactive, it is ignored
  ## time units are "ms", "s", "m", "h"
  # ignore_dead_log = "1h"

  # some_tag = "some_value"
  # more_tag = "some_other_value"
  • Restart DataKit (If you need to turn on custom tags, configure plug-in tags to restart)
systemctl restart datakit

Configure Pipeline

Log Pipeline Function Cut Field Description

Redis Universal Log Cutting

  • The original log is:
[11412] 05 May 10:17:31.329 # Creating Server TCP listening socket *:26380: bind: No such file or directory
  • The list of cut fields is as follows:
Field name Field value Description
pid 122 process id
role M role
service * service name
status notice log level
message Creating Server TCP listening socket *:26380: bind: No such file or directory log content
time 1557861100164000000 Nanosecond timestamp (as line protocol time)

Restart DataKit

systemctl restart datakit


Metric Description Data type
redis_sentinel_known_sentinels sentinel instance count Gauge
redis_sentinel_known_slaves cluster slaves instance count Gauge
redis_sentinel_cluster_type cluster node type Gauge
redis_sentinel_link_pending_commands sentinel pending command count Gauge
redis_sentinel_odown_slaves slave down count Gauge
redis_sentinel_sdown_slaves slave master down count Gauge
redis_sentinel_ok_slaves running slaves Gauge
redis_sentinel_ping_latency sentinel ping latency Gauge
redis_sentinel_last_ok_ping_latency sentinel ping ok latency Gauge
redis_sentinel_node_state redis node state Gauge


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