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Create a Dashboard

post /api/v1/dashboards/create


Create an empty dashboard, or create a dashboard according to the dashboard template Rules: - Disable the creation of dashboards with the same name - The name field in the parameter overridestitle in templateInfo

Body Request Parameters

Parameter Name Type Required Description
name string Y 仪表板名称
Allow null: False
最大长度: 128
extend json 仪表板的额外数据, 默认为{}
例子: {}
Allow null: False
mapping array 视图变量的字段映射信息,默认为 []
例子: [{'class': 'host_processes', 'field': 'create_time', 'mapping': 'username', 'datasource': 'object'}]
Allow null: False
tagNames array 关联的 tag 列表
Allow null: False
templateInfo json 仪表板模板数据
例子: {}
Allow null: False
允许空字符串: False

Parameter Supplement

Parameter description:

The basic structure of template includes: view structure (including chart structure, view variable structure and chart grouping structure)

Description of the Body Structure of templateInfo

Parameter Name Type Required Description
title string Must View Title Name
summary string Summary information for templates
dashboardType string Abandoned, default to CUSTOM
dashboardExtend json View additional data information
dashboardMapping array[json] Field mapping configuration list for view variables
iconSet json Dashboard icon information
iconSet.url json Link address of medium icon in dashboard
iconSet.icon json Link address of small icon in dashboard
icon string Dashboard small icon file name
thumbnail string Dashboard medium icon file name
main json Dashboard content structure
main.type string Template type, which is a system field and can be ignored
main.vars array[json] View variable configuration list
main.vars[#] json View variable configuration structure
main.groups array[string] List of chart group names
main.charts array[json] Chart configuration list for view
main.charts[#] json Chart configuration structure

Subject Structure Description of dashboardMapping[#]

Parameter Name Type Required Description

Subject Structure Description of main.charts[#]

Parameter Name Type Required Description
name string Must Chart name
type string Must Chart type
pos json Position structure of chart
pos.i string
pos.h string Height
pos.w string Width
pos.x string x-axis coordinates
pos.y string y-axis coordinates
group json[string] Packet information string Grouping name, no grouping is allowed to be null
queries array[json] Must Chart query query statement structure list

**sequence diagram structure main.charts[#].type=sequence; The main structure parameters are as follows: **

Parameter Name Type Required Description
name string Must Chart name
type string Must Chart type
pos string Must Chart type
queries array[json] Must Chart query query statement structure list

Subject Structure Description of main.vars[#]

Parameter Name Type Required Description

Request Example

curl '' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8' \
--data-raw '{"name": "x5T8APwi", "templateInfo": {"dashboardBindSet": [], "dashboardExtend": {}, "dashboardMapping": [], "dashboardOwnerType": "node", "dashboardType": "CUSTOM", "iconSet": {}, "main": {"charts": [{"extend": {"settings": {"chartType": "bar", "colors": [{"color": "#3ab8ff", "key": "count(trace_id){\"status\": \"ok\"}"}, {"color": "#f97575", "key": "count(trace_id){\"status\": \"error\"}"}], "openStack": true, "options": {"yAxis": {"axisLabel": {"color": "#666"}, "axisLine": {"show": true}, "axisTick": {"show": false}, "splitLine": {"show": false}, "splitNumber": 1}}, "xAxisShowType": "time"}}, "group": {"name": null}, "name": "请求数", "pos": null, "queries": [{"checked": true, "datasource": "dataflux", "qtype": "dql", "query": {"density": "lower", "filter": [{"logic": "and", "name": "service", "op": "=", "value": "front-api"}], "groupBy": " by `status`", "groupByTime": "auto", "q": "T::re(`.*`):(count(`trace_id`)){ `service` = 'front-api' } [::auto] by `status`"}, "unit": "", "uuid": "6aed3c00-7a99-11ec-8689-536665ee3a48"}], "type": "sequence"}], "groups": [], "type": "template", "vars": []}, "summary": "", "tagInfo": [], "tags": [], "thumbnail": "", "title": "lwc-链路资源"}}' \
--compressed \


    "code": 200,
    "content": {
        "chartGroupPos": [],
        "chartPos": [
                "chartUUID": "chrt_57e4b4a3f18c4d5ea705c893adeaaf49",
                "pos": {
                    "h": 9,
                    "i": 0,
                    "w": 8,
                    "x": 0,
                    "y": 0
                "chartUUID": "chrt_bc6448e0e8bd4931abc24dfeb4ebde44",
                "pos": {
                    "h": 9,
                    "i": 1,
                    "w": 8,
                    "x": 0,
                    "y": 9
                "chartUUID": "chrt_b32f5173a6f6490dad2a94bb396dfc09",
                "pos": {
                    "h": 9,
                    "i": 2,
                    "w": 8,
                    "x": 8,
                    "y": 0
                "chartUUID": "chrt_87c97cfc44374f398fe57ec6c440835b",
                "pos": {
                    "h": 9,
                    "i": 3,
                    "w": 8,
                    "x": 16,
                    "y": 0
                "chartUUID": "chrt_e03caef30cd8475e88f9453fff165381",
                "pos": {
                    "h": 9,
                    "i": 4,
                    "w": 8,
                    "x": 8,
                    "y": 9
                "chartUUID": "chrt_280a547f6f6b4ec3832bb7c3e769249b",
                "pos": {
                    "h": 9,
                    "i": 5,
                    "w": 8,
                    "x": 16,
                    "y": 9
        "createAt": 1641953280.0015242,
        "createdWay": "manual",
        "creator": "acnt_a5d6130c19524a6b9fe91d421eaf8603",
        "dashboardBindSet": [],
        "deleteAt": -1,
        "extend": {},
        "iconSet": {
            "icon": "",
            "url": ""
        "id": null,
        "mapping": [],
        "name": "CPU 监控视图-lwctest",
        "ownerType": "node",
        "status": 0,
        "tag_info": [
                "id": "tag_e48c1d03a3d044808ab0e074086c0c72",
                "name": "测试"
        "type": "CUSTOM",
        "updateAt": 1641953280.0015464,
        "updator": "acnt_a5d6130c19524a6b9fe91d421eaf8603",
        "uuid": "dsbd_9285271961be40069ddfa27af07a3538",
        "workspaceUUID": "wksp_2dc431d6693711eb8ff97aeee04b54af"
    "errorCode": "",
    "message": "",
    "success": true,
    "traceId": "TRACE-97C1194E-40E6-43A3-B6DF-6637D96BECDB"


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