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DataKit API

This document mainly describes the HTTP API interface opened by DataKit.

API Summary

At present, DataKit only supports HTTP interface, which mainly involves data writing and data query.

Get the DataKit Version

There are two ways to get the version number:

  • Request DataKit ping interface: curl http://ip:9529/v1/ping
  • In the return Header of each of the following API requests, you can know the DataKit version of the current request through X-DataKit.


This API is used to report various category of data to DataKit, and the parameters are described as follows:

Parameter Type Required or not Default Value Description
category string Y no support metric/logging/rum/object/custom_object/keyevent. For example, the URL of metric is /v1/write/metric
echo_line_proto string N no Giving any value (such as true) returns line protocol format point data. default not echoed.
echo_json string N - Giving any value (such as true) returns JSON format point data. default not echoed. If both echo enabled, preferred line protocol
global_election_tags string N - Giving any value (such as true) to append global-election tags( Version-1.4.6
ignore_global_host_tags string false no Giving any value (such as true) is considered to ignore the global tag on DataKit( Version-1.4.6)。ignore_global_tags would be abandoned.
input string N datakit Data source name
loose bool N true Loose mode, for some invalid POST(JSON or lineprotocol), DataKit would try to auto-fix them ( Version-1.5.9).
strict bool N false Strict mode, for some invalid POST(JSON or lineprotocol), DataKit would reject them and showing why( Version-1.5.9).
precision string N n Data accuracy (supporting n/u/ms/s/m/h)
source string N no Specify this field only for logging support (that is, category is logging). If you do not specify source, the uploaded log data would not be cut by Pipeline.
version string N no The version number of the current collector

HTTP body supports both line protocol and JSON. See here for constraints on data structures, whether in line protocol or JSON form.


In DataKit, the main data types are as follows (listed in alphabetical order according to their abbreviations):

Abbreviations Name URL form Description
CO custom_object /v1/write/custom_object customized object data
E keyevent /v1/write/keyevent Event data
L logging /v1/write/logging Logging data
M metric /v1/write/metric Time series
N network /v1/write/network eBPF data
O object /v1/write/object object data
P profiling /v1/write/profiling Profiling data
R rum /v1/write/rum RUM data
S security /v1/write/security Security check data
T tracing /v1/write/tracing APM(tracing) data

不同的数据类型,其处理方式不一样,在观测云的用法也不尽相同。在 DataKit 的配置和使用过程中,有时候会穿插使用某个类型的不同形式(比如在 sinker 配置中用简写,在 API 请求中则用其 URL 表示)

JSON Body Examples

To facilitate line protocol processing, all data upload APIs support body in JSON form. JSON body parameter descriptions are as follows.

Parameter Type Required or not Default Value Description
measurement string Yes None Measurement name
tags map[string]string No None Tag list
fields map[string]any-basic-type Yes None Line protocol can not be without a field, it can only be a base type, not a compound type (such as array, dictionary, etc.).
time int64 No None If it is not provided, the receiving time of DataKit shall prevail.
    "measurement": "abc",
    "tags": {
      "t1": "b",
      "t2": "d"
    "fields": {
      "f1": 123,
      "f2": 3.4,
      "f3": "strval"
    "time": 1624550216
    "measurement": "def",
    "tags": {
      "t1": "b",
      "t2": "d"
    "fields": {
      "f1": 123,
      "f2": 3.4,
      "f3": "strval"
    "time": 1624550216


  • If it is a JSON body, mark Content-Type: application/json on the request header, otherwise it would be treated as a normal line protocol.
  • For now, any-basic-type refers to int/float/bool/string in the popular sense, regardless of the differences between different programming languages.
  • As for the field of numeric type, in JSON, because numeric value does not distinguish float/int, it is difficult to judge whether it is int or float for {"a" : 123} JSON at present. Based on this, API treats numeric value and translates it into float type uniformly. This approach may cause type conflicts on storage (for example, line protocol body is used before, and JSON body is used later).
    • In the line protocol, int/float is clearly identified, such as 123i for int and 123 for float.
  • Compared with the line protocol body, the performance of JSON body is poor, which is about 7 ~ 8 times different. On the premise of the same amount of data, a rough Benchmark comparison:
$ go test -bench=.
goos: darwin
goarch: amd64
cpu: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-8210Y CPU @ 1.60GHz
BenchmarkHandleWriteBody-4     582792  2135 ns/op
BenchmarkHandleJSONWriteBody-4  75606 15693 ns/op  # Obviously, the single overhead of json-body is higher
ok       4.499s

Logging Example

POST /v1/write/logging?precision=n&input=my-sample-logger&ignore_global_tags=123 HTTP/1.1

nginx,tag1=a,tag2=b,filename=a.log f1=1i,f2=1.2,f3="abc",message="real-log-data",status="debug" 1620723870000000000
mysql,tag1=a,tag2=b,filename=b.log f1=1i,f2=1.2,f3="abc",message="other-log-data",status="info" 1620723870000000000
redis,tag1=a,tag2=b,filename=c.log f1=1i,f2=1.2,f3="abc",message="more-log-data",status="error" 1620723870000000000
  • The metric set name in the line protocol ( nginx/mysql/redishere) is stored as the source field of the log.
  • The original log data is stored in the message field.

Metric Data Example

POST /v1/write/metric?precision=n&input=my-sample-logger&ignore_global_tags=123 HTTP/1.1

cpu,tag1=a,tag2=b f1=1i,f2=1.2,f3="abc" 1620723870000000000
mem,tag1=a,tag2=b f1=1i,f2=1.2,f3="abc" 1620723870000000000
net,tag1=a,tag2=b f1=1i,f2=1.2,f3="abc" 1620723870000000000

Object Data Example

POST /v1/write/object?precision=n&input=my-sample-logger&ignore_global_tags=123 HTTP/1.1

redis,name=xxx,tag2=b f1=1i,f2=1.2,f3="abc",message="xxx" 1620723870000000000
rds,name=yyy,tag2=b f1=1i,f2=1.2,f3="abc",message="xxx" 1620723870000000000
slb,name=zzz,tag2=b f1=1i,f2=1.2,f3="abc",message="xxx" 1620723870000000000

Object data must have the tag name , otherwise the protocol will report an error.

Object data should have a message field, which is mainly convenient for full-text search.

Custom Object Data Sample

Custom objects are almost identical to objects, except that the latter are collected autonomously by DataKit, and the former are objects created by users through the DataKit API.

POST /v1/write/custom_object?precision=n&input=my-sample-logger&ignore_global_tags=123 HTTP/1.1

redis,name=xxx,tag2=b f1=1i,f2=1.2,f3="abc",message="xxx" 1620723870000000000
rds,name=yyy,tag2=b f1=1i,f2=1.2,f3="abc",message="xxx" 1620723870000000000
slb,name=zzz,tag2=b f1=1i,f2=1.2,f3="abc",message="xxx" 1620723870000000000

Custom object data must have the tag name , otherwise the protocol will report an error.

It would be better to have a message field for custom object data, which is mainly convenient for full-text search.


See the document RUM.


Detect whether there is DataKit running at the target address, and obtain the startup time and version information of DataKit. Example:

GET /v1/ping HTTP/1.1

HTTP/1.1 200 OK



Used to report errors of external collectors, for example:

POST /v1/lasterror HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json

    "err_content":"Cache avalanche"


View workspace information and data quota information, for example:

GET /v1/workspace HTTP/1.1

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

      "token": {
        "ws_uuid": "wksp_2dc431d6693711eb8ff97aeee04b54af",
        "bill_state": "normal",
        "ver_type": "pay",
        "token": "tkn_2dc438b6693711eb8ff97aeee04b54af",
        "db_uuid": "ifdb_c0fss9qc8kg4gj9bjjag",
        "status": 0,
        "creator": "",
        "expire_at": -1,
        "create_at": 0,
        "update_at": 0,
        "delete_at": 0
      "data_usage": {
        "data_metric": 96966,
        "data_logging": 3253,
        "data_tracing": 2868,
        "data_rum": 0,
        "is_over_usage": false


Use DQL to query data (only the data of the workspace where the DataKit is located), for example:

POST /v1/query/raw HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json

            "query": "cpu:(usage_idle) LIMIT 1",  # dql query statement (required)
            "conditions": "",                     # append dql query criteria
            "max_duration": "1d",                 # maximum time range
            "max_point": 0,                       # maximum points
            "time_range": [],                     #
            "orderby": [],                        #
            "disable_slimit": true,               # Disable the default SLimit. When true, no default SLimit value will be added, otherwise SLimit 20 will be forced to be added
            "disable_multiple_field": true        # Disable multiple fields. When true, only the data of a single field can be queried (excluding the time field)

Parameter description:

Name Description
conditions Add additional conditional expressions, using DQL syntax, such as hostname="cloudserver01" OR system="ubuntu". It has an AND relationship with the conditional expression in the existing query , and parentheses are added at the outermost layer to avoid confusion.
disable_multiple_field Whether to disable multiple fields. When true, only the data of a single field (excluding the time field) can be queried, and the default is false.
disable_slimit Whether to disable the default SLimit, when true, the default SLimit value will not be added, otherwise, SLimit 20 will be forced to be added, and the default is false.
echo_explain Whether to return the final execution statement (returns the raw_query field in the JSON data).
highlight Highlight search results
limit Limiting the number of points returned by a single timeline will override the limit existing in DQL.
max_duration Limit the maximum query time and support units ns/us/ms/s/m/h/d/w/y, for example, 3d is 3 days, 2w is 2 weeks, and 1y is 1 year. The default is 1 year, which also restricts the time_range parameter.
max_point Limit the maximum number of aggregated points. When using an aggregate function, if the aggregation density is too low, resulting in too many points, it is replaced by a new aggregation interval (end_time-start_time)/max_point.
offset Typically used with limit configuration for result paging.
orderby Specify order by, content format is map[string]string, key s the field name to be sorted, value can only be sorted by asc and desc, such as [ { "column01" : "asc" }, { "column02" : "desc" } ]This article replaces the order by in the original query statement.
queries Basic query module, including query statements and various additional parameters.
query DQL query statement(DQL document
search_after Deep paging, when calling paging for the first time, an empty list is passed in: "search_after": []. After success, the server will return a list, and the client can directly reuse the value of this list and pass it back to the subsequent query through the search_after parameter.
slimit Limiting the number of timelines will override slime existing in DQL.
time_range Limit the time range, adopt timestamp format, unit is millisecond, array size is 2 int, if there is only one element, it is considered as the start time, which will overwrite the query time interval in the original query statement.

Return data example:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

    "content": [
            "series": [
                    "name": "cpu",
                    "columns": [
                    "values": [
            "cost": "25.093363ms",
            "raw_query": "SELECT \"usage_idle\" FROM \"cpu\" LIMIT 1",

/v1/object/labels | POST

Create or update the labels of objects:

request body description

Parameter Description Type
object_class represent the object type associated with labels, such as HOST string
object_name represent the object type associated with labels, such as host-123 string
key represents the specific field name of the object to which labels is associated, such as the field process_name string
value represents the specific field value of the object to which labels is associated, such as the process name field systemsoundserverd void
labels labels list, a string array []string

Example of request:

curl -XPOST "" \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json'  \
            "object_class": "host_processes",
            "object_name": "ubuntu20-dev_49392",
            "key": "host",
            "value": "ubuntu20-dev",
            "labels": ["l1","l2"]

Example of successful return:

status_code: 200
    "content": {
        "_id": "375370265b0641xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"

Example of failing return:

status_code: 500

/v1/object/labels | DELETE

Delete the labels of objects

request body description

Parameter Description Type
object_class represent the object type associated with labels, such as HOST string
object_name represent the object type associated with labels, such as host-123 string
key represent the specific field name of the object to which labels is associated, such as the field process_name string
value represent the specific field value of the object to which labels is associated, such as the process name field systemsoundserverd void

Example of request:

curl -XPOST ""  \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json'  \
            "object_class": "host_processes",
            "object_name": "ubuntu20-dev_49392",
            "key": "host",
            "value": "ubuntu20-dev"

Example of successful return:

status_code: 200
    "content": {
        "msg": "delete success!"

Example of failing return:

status_code: 500
    "errorCode": "some-internal-error"

/v1/pipeline/debug | POST

Providing the function of remote debugging PL.

Example of request:

POST /v1/pipeline/debug
Content-Type: application/json

    "pipeline": base64("pipeline-source-code"),
    "script_name": "<script_name>"
    "category": "<logging[metric, tracing, ...]>", # Log categories pass in log text, while other categories need to pass in row protocol text
    "data": [ base64("raw-logging-data1"), ... ], # It can be a log or a line protocol
    "encode": "@data 的字符编码",         # The default utf8 encode
    "benchmark": false,                  # Whether to turn on benchmark

Example of successful return:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

    "content": {
        "cost": "2.3ms",
        "benchmark": BenchmarkResult.String(), # return benchmark results
        "error_msg": "",
        "plresults": [ # Since the log may be multi-line, multiple cutting results will be returned here.
                "measurement" : "Metrics set name, typically log source",
                "tags": { "key": "val", "other-key": "other-val"},
                "fields": { "f1": 1, "f2": "abc", "f3": 1.2 },
                "time": 1644380607, # Unix time stamp (in seconds), which can be converted into a readable date by the front end.
                "time_ns": 421869748, # The remaining nanosecond time is easy to accurately convert into a date, and the complete nanosecond timestamp is 1644380607421869748,
                "dropped": false, # Whether to mark the result as to be discarded in the execution pipeline
            {  another-result },

Example of failing return:

HTTP Code: 400

    "error_code": "datakit.invalidCategory",
    "message": "invalid category"

/v1/dialtesting/debug | POST

Providing the ability to debug dialtesting remotely, and the target network can be controlled through environment variables.

Example of request: :

POST /v1/dialtesting/debug
Content-Type: application/json

    "task": {
        "enable_traceroute":true,//true 代表勾选,tcp,icmp 才有用
        "SuccessWhen":[]*HTTPSuccess ,
        "tags":map[string]string ,

Example of successful return:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

    "content": {
        "cost": "2.3ms",
        "status": "success",//  success/fail
        "error_msg": "",

Example of failing return:

HTTP Code: 400

    "error_code": "datakit.invalidClass",
    "message": "invalid class"

/v1/sourcemap | PUT


Upload the sourcemap file. This api needs RUM collector.

Description of the parameter.

Parameter Description Type
token The token is from the dataway address configured in datakit.conf string
app_id The unique ID generated when you create a application, such as test-sourcmap string
env The environment variable, such as prod string
version The version of the application, such as 1.0.0 string
platform The platform, such as web/miniapp/android/ios and web is default string

Example of request:

curl -X PUT "http://localhost:9529/v1/sourcemap?app_id=test_sourcemap&env=production&version=1.0.0&token=tkn_xxxxx&platform=web" \
-F "file=@./" \
-H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data"

Example of successful return:

  "content": "uploaded to [/path/to/datakit/data/rum/web/]!",
  "errorMsg": "",
  "success": true

Example of failing return:

  "content": null,
  "errorMsg": "app_id not found",
  "success": false

/v1/sourcemap | DELETE


Delete the sourcemap file. This api needs RUM collector.

Description of the parameter.

Parameter Description Type
token The token is from the dataway address configured in datakit.conf string
app_id The unique ID generated when you create a application, such as test-sourcmap string
env The environment variable, such as prod string
version The version of the application, such as 1.0.0 string
platform The platform, such as web/miniapp/android/ios and web is default string

Example of request:

curl -X DELETE "http://localhost:9529/v1/sourcemap?app_id=test_sourcemap&env=production&version=1.0.0&token=tkn_xxxxx&platform=web"

Example of successful return:

  "content":"deleted [/path/to/datakit/data/rum/web/]!",

Example of failing return:

  "content": null,
  "errorMsg": "delete sourcemap file [/path/to/datakit/data/rum/web/] failed: remove /path/to/datakit/data/rum/web/ no such file or directory",
  "success": false

/v1/sourcemap/check | GET


Check whether sourcemap is properly configured and only web is supported. This api needs RUM collector.

Description of the parameter.

Parameter Description Type
error_stack The error stack string
app_id The unique ID generated when you create a application, such as test-sourcmap string
env The environment variable, such as prod string
version The version of the application, such as 1.0.0 string
platform The platform, such as web/miniapp/android/ios and web is default string

Example of request:

curl "http://localhost:9529/v1/sourcemap/check?app_id=test_sourcemap&env=production&version=1.0.0&error_stack=at%20test%20%40%20http%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A8080%2Fmain.min.js%3A1%3A48"

Example of successful return:

  "content": {
    "error_stack": "at test @ main.js:6:6",
    "original_error_stack": "at test @ http://localhost:8080/main.min.js:1:48"
  "errorMsg": "",
  "success": true

Example of failing return:

  "content": {
    "error_stack": "at test @ http://localhost:8080/main.min.js:1:483",
    "original_error_stack": "at test @ http://localhost:8080/main.min.js:1:483"
  "errorMsg": "fetch original source information failed, make sure sourcemap file [] is valid",
  "success": false

/metrics | GET

Get Datakit Prometheus metrics.

/v1/global/host/tags | GET

Get global-host-tags.

Example of request:


Example of successful return:

status_code: 200
Response: {
    "host-tags": {
        "h": "h",
        "host": "host-name"

/v1/global/host/tags | POST

Create or update global-host-tags.

Example of request:

curl -X POST ""

Example of successful return:

status_code: 200
Response: {
    "dataway-tags": {
        "e": "e",
        "h": "h",
        "tag1": "v1",
        "tag2": "v2",
        "host": "host-name"
    "election-tags": {
        "e": "e"
    "host-tags": {
        "h": "h",
        "tag1": "v1",
        "tag2": "v2",
        "host": "host-name"

Then, if in host mode, the modified content will be save to datakit.conf.

/v1/global/host/tags | DELETE

Delete some global-host-tags.

Example of request:

curl -X DELETE ",tag3"

Example of successful return:

status_code: 200
Response: {
    "dataway-tags": {
        "e": "e",
        "h": "h",
        "host": "host-name"
    "election-tags": {
        "e": "e"
    "host-tags": {
        "h": "h",
        "host": "host-name"

Then, if in host mode, the modified content will be save to datakit.conf.

/v1/global/election/tags | GET

Get global-election-tags.

Example of request:


Example of successful return:

status_code: 200
Response: {
    "election-tags": {
        "e": "e"

/v1/global/election/tags | POST

Create or update global-election-tags.

Example of request:

curl -X POST ""

Example of successful return:

status_code: 200
Response: {
    "dataway-tags": {
        "e": "e",
        "h": "h",
        "tag1": "v1",
        "tag2": "v2",
        "host": "host-name"
    "election-tags": {
        "tag1": "v1",
        "tag2": "v2",
        "e": "e"
    "host-tags": {
        "h": "h",
        "host": "host-name"

Then, if in host mode, the modified content will be save to datakit.conf.

When global-election-enable = false Will failing return:

status_code: 500
Response: {
    "message": "Can't use this command when global-election is false."

/v1/global/election/tags | DELETE

Delete some global-election-tags.

Example of request:

curl -X DELETE ",tag3"

Example of successful return:

status_code: 200
Response: {
    "dataway-tags": {
        "e": "e",
        "h": "h",
        "host": "host-name"
    "election-tags": {
        "e": "e"
    "host-tags": {
        "h": "h",
        "host": "host-name"

Then, if in host mode, the modified content will be save to datakit.conf.

When global-election-enable = false Will failing return:

status_code: 500
Response: {
    "message": "Can't use this command when global-election is false."

DataKit Data Structure Constraint

In order to standardize the data of Guance Cloud, the data collected by DataKit is constrained as follows (whether it is data in line protocol or JSON form), and the data that violates the constraints will be processed accordingly.

  1. The key between Tag and Field does not allow duplicate names, that is, the same key cannot appear in both Tag and Field, otherwise the Field with duplicate names will be discarded.
  2. key with the same name is not allowed inside Tag or Field, that is, the same key cannot appear more than once in Tag/Field, and only one key with the same name will be kept.
  3. Tag number does not exceed 256. After the number exceeds, it will be sorted by key, and the redundant ones will be removed.
  4. The number of Field does not exceed 1024. After the number exceeds, it will be sorted by key, and the redundant ones will be removed.
  5. Tag/Field Key length does not exceed 256 bytes, and when it exceeds the length, it will be truncated.
  6. Tag Value length does not exceed 1024 bytes, and truncation is performed when it exceeds the length.
  7. The Field Value does not exceed 32M (32x1024x1024) bytes, and when it exceeds the length, it will be truncated.
  8. . character is not allowed in Tag/Field key in any class of data except time series data.

Extended Reading


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