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eBPF collector, collecting host network TCP, UDP connection information, Bash execution log, etc. This collector mainly includes ebpf-net, ebpf-conntrack and ebpf-bash three plugins:

  • ebpf-net:

    • Data category: Network
    • It is composed of netflow, httpflow and dnsflow, which are used to collect host TCP/UDP connection statistics and host DNS resolution information respectively;
  • ebpf-bash:

    • Data category: Logging
    • Collect Bash execution log, including Bash process number, user name, executed command and time, etc.;
  • ebpf-conntrack: Version-1.8.0 · Experimental

    • Add two tags dst_nat_ip and dst_nat_port to the network flow data.
  • ebpf-trace:

    • Application call relationship tracking.
  • bpf-netlog:

    • Data category: Logging, Network
    • This plugin implements ebpf-net’s netflow/httpflow



For DataKit before v1.5.6, you need to execute the installation command to install:

  • v1.2.13 ~ v1.2.18
    • Install time specify environment variableDK_INSTALL_EXTERNALS="datakit-ebpf"
    • After the DataKit is installed, manually install the eBPF collector: datakit install --datakit-ebpf
  • v1.2.19+
    • specify environment variableDK_INSTALL_EXTERNALS="ebpf" when installing
    • After the DataKit is installed, manually install the eBPF collector: datakit install --ebpf
  • v1.5.6+
    • No manual installation required

When deploying in Kubernetes environment, you must mount the host's' /sys/kernel/debug directory into pod, refer to the latest datakit.yaml;

Linux Kernel Version Requirement

In addition to CentOS 7.6+ and Ubuntu 16.04, other distributions recommend that the Linux kernel version is higher than 4.9, otherwise the eBPF collector may not start.

If you want to enable the eBPF-conntrack plugin, usually requires a higher kernel version, such as v5.4.0 etc., please confirm whether the symbols in the kernel contain nf_ct_delete and __nf_conntrack_hash_insert, you can execute the following command to view:

cat /proc/kallsyms | awk '{print $3}' | grep "^nf_ct_delete$\|^__nf_conntrack_hash_insert$"
kernel restrictions

When the DataKit version is lower than v1.5.2, the httpflow data collection in the eBPF-net category cannot be enabled for CentOS 7.6+, because its Linux 3.10.x kernel does not support the BPF_PROG_TYPE_SOCKET_FILTER type in the eBPF program;

When the DataKit version is lower than v1.5.2, because BPF_FUNC_skb_load_bytes does not exist in Linux Kernel <= 4.4, if you want to enable httpflow, you need Linux Kernel >= 4.5, and this problem will be further optimized;

SELinux-enabled System

For SELinux-enabled systems, you need to shut them down (pending subsequent optimization), and execute the following command to shut them down:

setenforce 0

HTTPS Support

Version-1.4.6 · Experimental

If eBPF-net is required to start https request data collection support for processes in the container, you need to mount the overlay directory to the container.

datakit.yaml reference changes:

        - mountPath: /var/lib/docker/overlay2/
          name: vol-docker-overlay
          readOnly: true
      - hostPath:
          path: /var/lib/docker/overlay2/
          type: ""
        name: vol-docker-overlay
        - mountPath: /run/containerd/io.containerd.runtime.v2.task/
          name: vol-containerd-overlay
          readOnly: true
      - hostPath:
          path: /run/containerd/io.containerd.runtime.v2.task/
          type: ""
        name: vol-containerd-overlay

You can view the overlay mount point through cat /proc/mounts

Collector Configuration

Go to the conf.d/host directory under the DataKit installation directory, copy ebpf.conf.sample and name it ebpf.conf. Examples are as follows:

  daemon = true
  name = 'ebpf'
  cmd = "/usr/local/datakit/externals/datakit-ebpf"
  args = [
    "--datakit-apiserver", "",
  envs = []

  ## Resource limits.
  ## The collector automatically exits when the limit is exceeded.
  ## Can configure the number of cpu cores, memory size and network bandwidth.
  # cpu_limit = "2.0"
  # mem_limit = "4GiB"
  # net_limit = "100MiB/s"

  ## automatically takes effect when running DataKit in 
  ## Kubernetes daemonset mode
  # kubernetes_url = "https://kubernetes.default:443"
  # bearer_token = "/run/secrets/"
  ## or 
  # bearer_token_string = "<your-token-string>"

  ## all supported plugins:
  ## - "ebpf-net"  :
  ##     contains L4-network(netflow), L7-network(httpflow, dnsflow) collection
  ## - "ebpf-bash" :
  ##     log bash
  ## - "ebpf-conntrack":
  ##     add two tags "dst_nat_ip" and "dst_nat_port" to the network flow data
  ## - "ebpf-trace":
  ##     param trace_server must be set simultaneously.
  ## - "bpf-netlog":
  ##     contains L4-network log (bpf_net_l4_log), L7-network log (bpf_net_l7_log), 
  ##              L4-network(netflow), L7-network(httpflow, dnsflow) collection
  enabled_plugins = [

  ## If you enable the ebpf-net plugin, you can configure:
  ##  - "httpflow" (* enabled by default)
  ##  - "httpflow-tls"
  l7net_enabled = [
    # "httpflow-tls"

  ## netlog blacklist
  # netlog_blacklist = "ip_saddr=='' || ip_daddr==''"

  ## bpf-netlog plugin collection metric and log
  netlog_metric = true
  netlog_log = false

  ## eBPF trace generation server center address.
  trace_server = ""

  ## trace all processes directly
  trace_all_process = false

  ## trace all processes containing any specified environment variable
  trace_env_list = [

  ## deny tracking any process containing any specified environment variable
  trace_env_blacklist = []

  ## trace all processes containing any specified process names,
  ## can be used with trace_namedenyset
  trace_name_list = []

  ## deny tracking any process containing any specified process names
  trace_name_blacklist = [

    ## The following two processes are hard-coded to never be traced,
    ## and do not need to be set:
    # "datakit",
    # "datakit-ebpf",

  ## conv other trace id to datadog trace id (base 10, 64-bit) 
  conv_to_ddtrace = false

  ## If the system does not enable ipv6, it needs to be changed to true
  ipv6_disabled = false

  ## ephemeral port strart from <ephemeral_port>
  # ephemeral_port = 10001

  # interval = "60s"

    # some_tag = "some_value"
    # more_tag = "some_other_value"

## Parameter description (if marked * is required)
##  --hostname               : Host name, this parameter can change the value of the host tag when the collector uploads data, the priority is: specify this parameter >
##                             ENV_HOSTNAME value in datakit.conf (if it is not empty, this parameter will be added automatically at startup) >
##                             collector Get it yourself (the default).
##  --datakit-apiserver      : DataKit API Server address, default value .
##  --log                    : Log output path, default <DataKitInstallDir>/externals/datakit-ebpf.log.
##  --log-level              : Log level, the default value is 'info'.
##  --service                : The default value is 'ebpf'.

The default configuration does not turn on eBPF-bash. If you need to turn on, add eBPF-bash in the enabled_plugins configuration item;

After configuration, restart DataKit.

In Kubernetes, collection can be started by ConfigMap or directly enabling eBPF collector by default:

  1. Refer to the generic Installation Sample for the ConfigMap mode.
  2. Append eBPF to the environment variable ENV_ENABLE_INPUTS in datakit.yaml, using the default configuration, which only turns on eBPF-net network data collection.
       value: cpu,disk,diskio,mem,swap,system,hostobject,net,host_processes,container,eBPF

Environment variables configuration

The eBPF collection configuration in Kubernetes can be adjusted by the following environment variables:

| Environment variable name             | Corresponding configuration parameter item | Parameter example                                  | Description                                                                                                                                                     |
| :------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------ | -------------------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| `ENV_INPUT_EBPF_ENABLED_PLUGINS`      | `enabled_plugins`                          | `ebpf-net,ebpf-trace`                              | Used to configure the built-in plug-in of the collector                                                                                                         |
| `ENV_INPUT_EBPF_L7NET_ENABLED`        | `l7net_enabled`                            | `httpflow`                                         | Enable http protocol data collection                                                                                                                            |
| `ENV_INPUT_EBPF_IPV6_DISABLED`        | `ipv6_disabled`                            | `false`                                            | Whether the system does not support IPv6                                                                                                                        |
| `ENV_INPUT_EBPF_EPHEMERAL_PORT`       | `ephemeral_port`                           | `32768`                                            | The starting position of the ephemeral port                                                                                                                     |
| `ENV_INPUT_EBPF_INTERVAL`             | `interval`                                 | `60s`                                              | Data aggregation period                                                                                                                                         |
| `ENV_INPUT_EBPF_TRACE_SERVER`         | `trace_server`                             | `<datakit ip>:<datakit port>`                      | The address of DataKit, you need to enable DataKit `ebpftrace` collector to receive eBPF link data                                                              |
| `ENV_INPUT_EBPF_TRACE_ALL_PROCESS`    | `trace_all_process`                        | `false`                                            | Trace all processes in the system                                                                                                                               |
| `ENV_INPUT_EBPF_TRACE_NAME_BLACKLIST` | `trace_name_blacklist`                     | `datakit,datakit-ebpf`                             | The process with the specified process name will be prohibited from collecting link data. The process in the example has been hard-coded to prohibit collection |
| `ENV_INPUT_EBPF_TRACE_ENV_BLACKLIST`  | `trace_env_blacklist`                      | `datakit,datakit-ebpf`                             | Processes containing any specified environment variable name will be prohibited from collecting link data                                                       |
| `ENV_INPUT_EBPF_TRACE_ENV_LIST`       | `trace_env_list`                           | `DK_BPFTRACE_SERVICE,DD_SERVICE,OTEL_SERVICE_NAME` | The link data of the process containing any specified environment variables will be tracked and reported                                                        |
| `ENV_INPUT_EBPF_TRACE_NAME_LIST`      | `trace_name_list`                          | `chrome,firefox`                                   | Processes with process names in the specified set will be tracked and reported                                                                                  |
| `ENV_INPUT_EBPF_CONV_TO_DDTRACE`      | `conv_to_ddtrace`                          | `false`                                            | Convert all application `trace_id` to decimal strings                                                                                                           |
| `ENV_INPUT_EBPF_NETLOG_BLACKLIST`     | `netlog_blacklist`                         | `ip_saddr=='' \|\| ip_daddr==''` | Used to filter packets after packet capture                                                                                                                     |
| `ENV_INPUT_EBPF_NETLOG_METRIC`        | `netlog_metric`                            | `true`                                             | collect network metrics                                                                                                                                         |
| `ENV_INPUT_EBPF_NETLOG_LOG`           | `netlog_log`                               | `flase`                                            | collect network logs                                                                                                                                            |
| `ENV_INPUT_EBPF_CPU_LIMIT`            | `cpu_limit`                                | `"2.0"`                                            | Maximum number of CPU cores used per unit time limit                                                                                                            |
| `ENV_INPUT_EBPF_MEM_LIMIT`            | `mem_limit`                                | `"4GiB"`                                           | Memory size usage limit                                                                                                                                         |
| `ENV_INPUT_EBPF_NET_LIMIT`            | `net_limit`                                | `"100MiB/s"`                                       | Network bandwidth (any network card) limit                                                                                                                      |

The blacklist function of the netlog plug-in

Filter rule example:

Single rule:

The following rules filter network data with ip and port 80. (Line breaks allowed after operator)

(ip_saddr == "" || ip_saddr == "") &&
      (src_port == 80 || dst_port == 80)

Multiple rules:

Use ; or \n to separate the rules. If any rule is met, the data will be filtered.

ip_saddr == "" && (src_port == 80 || dst_port == 80);
ip_saddr == "" && (src_port == 80 || dst_port == 80)

ipnet_contains("", ip_saddr); ipv6

Data available for filtering:

This filter is used to filter network data. Comparable data is as follows:

key name type description
tcp bool Whether it is TCP protocol
udp bool Whether it is UDP protocol
ipv4 bool Whether it is IPv4 protocol
ipv6 bool Whether it is IPv6 protocol
src_port int Source port (based on the observed network card/host/container as the reference system)
dst_port int target port
ip_saddr str Source IPv4 network address
ip_saddr str Target IPv4 network address
ip6_saddr str Source IPv6 network address
ip6_daddr str Destination IPv6 network address
k8s_src_pod str source pod name
k8s_dst_pod str target pod name


Operators from highest to lowest:

Priority Op Name Binding Direction
1 () parentheses left
2 ! Logical NOT, unary operator Right
3 != Not equal to Left
3 >= Greater than or equal to Left
3 > greater than left
3 == equal to left
3 <= Less than or equal to Left
3 < less than left
4 && Logical AND Left
4 \|\| Logical OR Left


  1. ipnet_contains

    Function signature: fn ipnet_contains(ipnet: str, ipaddr: str) bool

    Description: Determine whether the address is within the specified network segment


    ipnet_contains("", ip_saddr)

    If the ip_saddr value is "", then this rule returns true and the TCP connection packet/UDP packet will be filtered.

  2. has_prefix

    Function signature: fn has_prefix(s: str, prefix: str) bool

    Description: Specifies whether the field contains a certain prefix


    has_prefix(k8s_src_pod, "datakit-") || has_prefix(k8s_dst_pod, "datakit-")

    This rule returns true if the pod name is datakit-kfez321.


For all of the following data collections, a global tag named host is appended by default (the tag value is the host name of the DataKit), or other tags can be specified in the configuration by [inputs.ebpf.tags]:

  # some_tag = "some_value"
  # more_tag = "some_other_value"
  # ...


  • tag
Tag Description
direction Use the source as a frame of reference to identify the connection initiator. (incoming/outgoing)
dst_domain Destination domain.
dst_ip Destination IP address.
dst_ip_type Destination IP type. (other/private/multicast)
dst_k8s_deployment_name Destination K8s deployment name.
dst_k8s_namespace Destination K8s namespace.
dst_k8s_pod_name Destination K8s pod name.
dst_k8s_service_name Destination K8s service name.
dst_nat_ip For data containing the outging tag, this value is the ip after the DNAT operation.
dst_nat_port For data containing the outging tag, this value is the port after the DNAT operation.
dst_port Destination port.
family Network layer protocol. (IPv4/IPv6)
host System hostname.
pid Process identification number.
process_name Process name.
source Fixed value: netflow.
src_ip Source IP.
src_ip_type Source IP type. (other/private/multicast)
src_k8s_deployment_name Source K8s deployment name.
src_k8s_namespace Source K8s namespace.
src_k8s_pod_name Source K8s pod name.
src_k8s_service_name Source K8s service name.
src_port Source port.
sub_source Some specific connection classifications, such as the sub_source value for Kubernetes network traffic is K8s.
transport Transport layer protocol. (udp/tcp)
  • metric list
Metric Description Type Unit
bytes_read The number of bytes read. int B
bytes_written The number of bytes written. int B
retransmits The number of retransmissions. int count
rtt TCP Latency. int μs
rtt_var TCP Jitter. int μs
tcp_closed The number of TCP connection closed. int count
tcp_established The number of TCP connection established. int count


  • tag
Tag Description
direction Use the source as a frame of reference to identify the connection initiator. (incoming/outgoing)
dst_domain Destination domain.
dst_ip Destination IP address.
dst_ip_type Destination IP type. (other/private/multicast)
dst_k8s_deployment_name Destination K8s deployment name.
dst_k8s_namespace Destination K8s namespace.
dst_k8s_pod_name Destination K8s pod name.
dst_k8s_service_name Destination K8s service name.
dst_port Destination port.
family Network layer protocol. (IPv4/IPv6)
host System hostname.
source Fixed value: dnsflow.
src_ip Source IP.
src_ip_type Source IP type. (other/private/multicast)
src_k8s_deployment_name Source K8s deployment name.
src_k8s_namespace Source K8s namespace.
src_k8s_pod_name Source K8s pod name.
src_k8s_service_name Source K8s service name.
src_port Source port.
sub_source Some specific connection classifications, such as the sub_source value for Kubernetes network traffic is K8s.
transport Transport layer protocol. (udp/tcp)
  • metric list
Metric Description Type Unit
count The number of DNS requests in a collection cycle. int -
latency Average response time for DNS requests. int ns
latency_max Maximum response time for DNS requests. int ns
rcode DNS response code: 0 - NoError, 1 - FormErr, 2 - ServFail, 3 - NXDomain, 4 - NotImp, 5 - Refused, ...; A value of -1 means the request timed out. int -


  • tag
Tag Description
host host name
source Fixed value: bash
  • metric list
Metric Description Type Unit
cmd Command. string -
message The bash execution record generated by the collector string -
pid Process identification number. string -
user The user who executes the bash command. string -


  • tag
Tag Description
direction Use the source as a frame of reference to identify the connection initiator. (incoming/outgoing)
dst_domain Destination domain.
dst_ip Destination IP address.
dst_ip_type Destination IP type. (other/private/multicast)
dst_k8s_deployment_name Destination K8s deployment name.
dst_k8s_namespace Destination K8s namespace.
dst_k8s_pod_name Destination K8s pod name.
dst_k8s_service_name Destination K8s service name.
dst_nat_ip For data containing the outging tag, this value is the ip after the DNAT operation.
dst_nat_port For data containing the outging tag, this value is the port after the DNAT operation.
dst_port Destination port.
family Network layer protocol. (IPv4/IPv6)
host System hostname.
pid Process identification number.
process_name Process name.
source Fixed value: httpflow.
src_ip Source IP.
src_ip_type Source IP type. (other/private/multicast)
src_k8s_deployment_name Source K8s deployment name.
src_k8s_namespace Source K8s namespace.
src_k8s_pod_name Source K8s pod name.
src_k8s_service_name Source K8s service name.
src_port Source port.
sub_source Some specific connection classifications, such as the sub_source value for Kubernetes network traffic is K8s.
transport Transport layer protocol. (udp/tcp)
  • metric list
Metric Description Type Unit
bytes_read The number of bytes read. int B
bytes_written The number of bytes written. int B
count The total number of HTTP requests in a collection cycle. int -
http_version 1.1 / 1.0 ... string -
latency TTFB. int ns
method GET/POST/... string -
path Request path. string -
status_code Http status codes. int -
truncated The length of the request path has reached the upper limit of the number of bytes collected, and the request path may be truncated. bool -


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