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PHP Sample

Install Dependency

First download the required PHP ddtrace extension, and install the extension after downloading.

Using RPM package (RHEL/CentOS 6+, Fedora 20+)

rpm -ivh datadog-php-tracer.rpm

Using DEB package (Debian Jessie+ , Ubuntu 14.04+ on supported PHP versions)

dpkg -i datadog-php-tracer.deb

Using APK package (Alpine)

apk add datadog-php-tracer.apk --allow-untrusted

The default version of PHP extension will be installed in the above way. You can install the specified extension packs by configuring the DD_TRACE_PHP_BIN to the extension pack path.

export DD_TRACE_PHP_BIN=$(which version of php-fpm7)

After installation, restart PHP (PHP-FPM or the Apache SAPI) and visit the endpoint where tracing is started.

Note: If your PHP application does not use Composer or uses spl_autoload_register() to register an autoloader, you need to set the environment variable DD_TRACE_NO_AUTOLOADER=true to enable automatic detection.


PHP tracer can be configured through environment variables and an ini configuration file.

Ini can be configured globally, for example, using php.ini to configure a specific web server or virtual host.


If you use automatic detection (recommended solution), please note that the code used for automatic detection will run before any business code. Then the following environment variables and ini configuration need to be configured on the corresponding server and can be accessed by the PHP runtime. For example: putenv() function and .env files will be invalid.


Apache works with php-fpm to configure environment variables in the www.conf configuration file.

; Example of passing the host environment variable SOME_ENV
; to the PHP process as DD_AGENT_HOST
; Example of passing the value 'my-app' to the PHP
; process as DD_SERVICE
env[DD_SERVICE] = my-app
; Or using the equivalent INI setting
php_value datadog.service my-app

You can also use SetEnv in server config, virtual host, directory, or. htaccess files.

# In a virtual host configuration as an environment variable
# In a virtual host configuration as an INI setting
php_value datadog.service my-app


Nginx works with php-fpm to configure environment variables in the www.conf configuration file.

; Example of passing the host environment variable SOME_ENV
; to the PHP process as DD_AGENT_HOST
; Example of passing the value 'my-app' to the PHP
; process as DD_SERVICE
env[DD_SERVICE] = my-app
; Or using the equivalent INI setting
php_value datadog.service my-app


Open the shell and run the following command

DD_AGENT_HOST=localhost \
php -d datadog.service=my-php-app -S localhost:8888

Environment Variable Support

  • DD_AGENT_HOST INI: datadog.agent_host The address of the host that Datakit listens on, default localhost.
  • DD_TRACE_AGENT_PORT INI: datadog.trace.agent_port Datakit listening port number, default 9529.
  • DD_ENV INI: datadog.env Set program environment variables.
  • DD_SERVICE INI: datadog.service Set the APP name, version less than 0.47. 0 using DD_SERVICE_NAME.
  • DD_SERVICE_MAPPING INI: datadog.service_mapping Rename the APM service name.
  • DD_TRACE_AGENT_ATTEMPT_RETRY_TIME_MSEC INI: datadog.trace.agent_attempt_retry_time_msec IPC-based configurable circuit breakpoint retry intervals (milliseconds), default 5000.
  • DD_TRACE_AGENT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT INI: datadog.trace.agent_connect_timeout Agent connection timeout (milliseconds), default 100.
  • DD_TRACE_AGENT_MAX_CONSECUTIVE_FAILURES INI: datadog.trace.agent_max_consecutive_failures Maximum number of consecutive breakpoints for IPC-based configurable circuits, default 3.
  • DD_TRACE_AGENT_TIMEOUT INI: datadog.trace.agent_timeout Agent data transfer timeout (milliseconds), the default is 500.
  • DD_TAGS INI: datadog.tags Set the default tags.
  • DD_VERSION INI: datadog.version Set the service version.
  • DD_TRACE_SAMPLE_RATE INI: datadog.trace.smaple_rate Set the sampling rate from 0.0 (0%) to 1.0 (100%).


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