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Golang Example

This document are an overview of dd-trace-go official GitHub and maybe outdated. If there any issues to apply this library, please refer to original documents.

Install Dependency

Install the ddtrace golang SDK:

# install tracing SDK
go get

# install profiling SDK
go get

# other module SDKs, such as HTTP/SQL related, such as:
go get
go get
go get

We can find more SDKs in the contrib list.

Set DataKit

First install, start DataKit, and open ddtrace collector

Code Example

The following code demonstrates trace data collection for a file open operation.

In the main() entry code, set the basic trace parameters and start trace:

package main

import (


func main() {
        tracer.WithGlobalTag("project", "add-ddtrace-in-golang-project"),

    // end of app exit, make sure tracer stopped
    defer tracer.Stop()

    tick := time.NewTicker(time.Second)
    defer tick.Stop()

    // your-app-main-entry...
    for {

        select {
        case <-tick.C:

func runApp() {
    var err error
    // Start a root span.
    span := tracer.StartSpan("")
    defer span.Finish(tracer.WithError(err))

    // Create a child of it, computing the time needed to read a file.
    child := tracer.StartSpan("read.file", tracer.ChildOf(span.Context()))
    child.SetTag(ext.ResourceName, os.Args[0])

    // Perform an operation.
    var bts []byte
    bts, err = ioutil.ReadFile(os.Args[0])
    span.SetTag("file_len", len(bts))

func runAppWithError() {
    var err error
    // Start a root span.
    span := tracer.StartSpan("")

    // Create a child of it, computing the time needed to read a file.
    child := tracer.StartSpan("read.file", tracer.ChildOf(span.Context()))
    child.SetTag(ext.ResourceName, "somefile-not-found.go")

    defer func() {

    // Perform an error operation.
    if _, err = ioutil.ReadFile("somefile-not-found.go"); err != nil {
        // error handle

Compile and Run

go build main.go -o my-app
DD_AGENT_HOST=localhost DD_TRACE_AGENT_PORT=9529 ./my-app
go build main.go -o my-app.exe
$env:DD_AGENT_HOST="localhost"; $env:DD_TRACE_AGENT_PORT="9529"; .\my-app.exe

After running the program for a period of time, you can see trace data similar to the following in Guance Cloud:

Golang Program trace Data Display

Supported Environment Variable

The following environment variables support specifying some configuration parameters of ddtrace when starting the program, and their basic form is:

DD_XXX=<env-value> DD_YYY=<env-value> ./my-app

These environment variables will be overwritten by the corresponding fields injected with WithXXX() in the code, so the configuration of code injection has higher priority, and these ENVs will only take effect if the corresponding fields are not specified in the code.

Key Default Value Description
DD_VERSION - Set the application version, such as 1.2.3, 2022.02.13
DD_SERVICE - Set the application service name
DD_ENV - Set the current application environment, such as prod, pre-prod, etc.
DD_AGENT_HOST localhost Set the IP address of the DataKit, and the trace data generated by the application will be sent to the DataKit
DD_TRACE_AGENT_PORT - Set the receiving port for DataKit trace data. You need to manually specify HTTP port for DataKit(typically 9529)
DD_DOGSTATSD_PORT - If you want to receive statsd data generated by ddtrace, you need to manually open statsd collector
DD_TRACE_SAMPLING_RULES - Here, a JSON array is used to represent the sampling setting (the sampling rate is applied in the order of the array), where sample_rate is the sampling rate and the value range is [0.0, 1.0]
Example 1: Set the global sampling rate to 20%: DD_TRACE_SAMPLE_RATE='[{"sample_rate": 0.2}]' ./my-app
Example 2 If the service name is generic app1.*, and the span name is abc , the sampling rate is set to 10%, except that the sampling rate is set to 20%: DD_TRACE_SAMPLE_RATE='[{"service": "app1.*", "name": "b", "sample_rate": 0.1}, {"sample_rate": 0.2}]' ./my-app
DD_TRACE_SAMPLE_RATE - Turn on the sample rate switch above
DD_TRACE_RATE_LIMIT - Set the number of span samples per second per golang process. If DD_TRACE_SAMPLE_RATE is already on, the default is 100.
DD_TAGS - Here you can inject a set of global tags that will appear in each span and profile data. Multiple tags can be separated by spaces and English commas, for example layer:api,team:intake, layer:api team:intake.
DD_TRACE_STARTUP_LOGS true Open configuration and diagnostic logs related to ddtrace.
DD_TRACE_DEBUG false Open debug logs related to ddtrace.
DD_TRACE_ENABLED true Turn on the trace switch. If you turn the switch off manually, no trace data will be generated.
DD_SERVICE_MAPPING - Rename service name dynamically, and each service name mapping can be separated by spaces and English commas, such as mysql:mysql-service-name,postgres:postgres-service-name, mysql:mysql-service-name postgres:postgres-service-name


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