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Nacos performance metrics, including Nacos online length, Nacos Config long links, Nacos Config configuration number, Service Count, HTTP requests, and so on.


Version support

  • Operating system support: Linux / Windows
  • Nacos version: >= 0.8.0

Description: Example Nacos version 1.4.1.

(same Linux / Windows environment)

Metric Collection (Required)

  • Configure files to expose metrics data
  • Restart Nacos

There are differences between cluster mode and singleton mode start parameters, refer to Nacos 官方文档.

  • Verification

Visit {ip}:8848/nacos/actuator/prometheus to see if metrics data is accessible

  • Open the DataKit Prometheus plug-in
cd /usr/local/datakit/conf.d/prom/
cp prom.conf.sample nacos-prom.conf
  • Modify nacos-prom.conf Profile

Description of main parameters

  • Urls: prometheus Metric address, fill in the metric URL exposed by Nacos here
  • Source: alias of collector, recommended as nacos
  • Interval: collection interval
  • Measurement_ Prefix: index prefix for easy index classification query
  • Tls_ Open:TLS Configuration
  • Metric_ Types: Metric type, not filled in, representing the collection of all metrics
  urls = [""]

  ignore_req_err = false

  source = "nacos"
  metric_types = []
  measurement_prefix = "nacos_"

  interval = "10s"

  tls_open = false

  # some_tag = "some_value"
  # more_tag = "some_other_value"
  • Restart DataKit

Restart DataKit


JVM metrics

Metric Description
system_cpu_usage system cpu usage
system_load_average_1m system load average 1m
jvm_memory_used_bytes jvm memory used bytes
jvm_memory_max_bytes jvm memory max bytes
jvm_gc_pause_seconds_count jvm gc pause seconds count
jvm_gc_pause_seconds_sum jvm gc pause seconds sum
jvm_threads_daemon jvm threads daemon

Nacos Monitoring Metric

Metric Description
http_server_requests_seconds_count http server requests count (by url、func、code)
http_server_requests_seconds_sum http server requests sum (by url、func、code)
nacos_timer_seconds_sum Nacos config notify duration
nacos_timer_seconds_count Nacos config notify count
nacos_monitor {name='longPolling'} Nacos config long poll
nacos_monitor {name='configCount'} Nacos config count
nacos_monitor {name='dumpTask'} Nacos config dump task count
nacos_monitor {name='notifyTask'} Nacos config notify task count
nacos_monitor {name='getConfig'} Nacos config get count
nacos_monitor {name='publish'} Nacos config publish count
nacos_monitor {name='ipCount'} Nacos naming ip count
nacos_monitor {name='domCount'} Nacos naming domain count (1.x version)
nacos_monitor {name='serviceCount'} Nacos naming domain count (2.x version)
nacos_monitor {name='failedPush'} Nacos naming push failed
nacos_monitor {name='avgPushCost'} Nacos naming push cost by avg
nacos_monitor {name='leaderStatus'} Nacos naming leader status
nacos_monitor {name='maxPushCost'} Nacos naming max push cost time
nacos_monitor {name='mysqlhealthCheck'} Nacos naming mysql health check time
nacos_monitor {name='httpHealthCheck'} Nacos naming http health check time
nacos_monitor {name='tcpHealthCheck'} Nacos naming tcp health check time

Nacos exception Metric

Metric Description
nacos_exception_total {name='db'} db exception count
nacos_exception_total {name='configNotify'} Nacos config notify exception count
nacos_exception_total {name='unhealth'} Nacos config server unHealth count
nacos_exception_total {name='disk'} Nacos naming disk write error count
nacos_exception_total {name='leaderSendBeatFailed'} Nacos naming leader send beat error count
nacos_exception_total {name='illegalArgument'} illegal argument count
nacos_exception_total {name='nacos'} Nacos Request response internal error exception (read write failure, no permission, parameter error)

For more Nacos metrics, refer to Nacos Official Website - Monitoring


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