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Guance supports obtaining and updating the data of Guance workspace by calling the Open API interface.

For a detailed list of APIs, see Guance OpenAPI Doc Library.

Authentication Method

Before calling the API interface, you need to create an API Key as the authentication method. Refer to the documentation API Key management.

The interface takes API KEY as the authentication mode, and each request uses the value of DF-API-KEY in the Header of the request body as the validity test, and the workspace limitation basis of this request (taking the workspace to which this DF-API-KEY belongs).

All GET (data query GET class) interfaces need only provide API KEY (Header: DF-API-KEY) as credentials.

Request Structure

Example of URL POST request to delete dashboard interface:

curl -X POST "" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \

Sample URL GET request with validate interface:

curl -X GET "" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \

Note: We simplify the HTTP request mode, only using GET and POST. GET is a data acquisition class request, such as obtaining dashboard list interface, and POST is all data change class requests, such as creating dashboard and deleting dashboard interface.

Access Address Endpoint

SaaS Deployment Node Endpoint
Alibaba Cloud

Note: Private Deployment Plan also supports openapi access and is subject to the actual deployment of Endpoint.

Interface Routing Address Specification

Interface routes generally follow the following naming conventions:

/api/v1/{object type}/{object uuid}/{action}

Such as:

  • dashboard list retrieval: /api/v1/dashboard/list
  • create a dashboard: /api/v1/dashboard/create
  • get a dashboard: /api/v1/dashboard/dsbd_0e233ee4804aca011ba94a9164a9ed7f/get
  • delete a dashboard: /api/v1/dashboard/dsbd_0e233ee4804aca011ba94a9164a9ed7f/delete
  • modify a dashboard: /api/v1/dashboard/dsbd_0e233ee4804aca011ba94a9164a9ed7f/modify
  • host object list retrieval: /api/v1/object/host/list
  • process object list retrieval: /api/v1/object/process/list

Note: v1 in the route is the interface version number. Each release version of the interface needs to be forward compatible. If there are incompatible interface changes or major business changes, a version number needs to be added.

Return Results

The interface return follows the HTTP request response specification, the normal return HTTP status code for the request is 200, the API KEY test fails to return the HTTP status code is 403, and the rest of the server can't handle or unknown error HTTP status code is 500, such as accessing unauthorized access data is 403, and can't find a certain operation object to return 404. See Error Definition below for details.

Response Result Sample


    "pageInfo": {
        "count": 20,
        "pageIndex": 1,
        "pageSize": 100,
        "totalCount": 10

Common Response Result Parameter

Field Type Description
code Number The returned status code remains the same as the HTTP status code and is fixed at 200 when there are no errors.
content String, Number, Array, Boolean, JSON The data returned, and what type of data is returned is related to the business of the actual interface.
pageInfo JSON List paging information that all list interfaces respond to.
errorCode String The error status code returned. Null means no error.
message String Specific information corresponding to the returned error code.
success Boolean Fixed to true, indicating that the interface call was successful.
traceId String traceId, which is used to track the status of each request.

Public Error Definition

Error Code HTTP Status Code Error Message
RouterNotFound 400 Request routing address does not exist
InvalidApiKey 403 Invalid Request API KEY
InternalError 503 Unknown error

For a list of API interfaces, see Guance OpenAPI Doc Library.


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