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title : 'TiDB' summary : 'Collect TiDB cluster, TiDB, Etcd, Region and other related component metric information' __int_icon: 'icon/tidb' dashboard : - desc : 'TiDB Monitoring View path : 'dashboard/zh/tidb' monitor : - desc : 'No' path : '-'


TiDB view display, including overview (such as start-up time, storage information, node information, etc.), cluster (cluster-related information), TiDB, Etcd, Region, and other related metric information.


Version support

Version support depends on TiDB's own system support

Description: Example TiDB version 6.3+

(Linux / Windows environment is the same)

To install TiDB, refer to the documentation TiDB Deployment Local Test Cluster

The following collection processes were carried out as TiDB Deployment Local Test Clusterdeployment.

Metric Collection Configuration

Each TiDB component (a total of four components) has been exposed metrics under the HTTP protocol

Component Metrics port
TiDB 10080
pd 2379
TiKV 20180
TiFlash 8234

These are the metrics ports associated with single-node cluster component deployment, and ports behave similarly if they are multi-node clusters

Open DataKit Collector

  1. Copy sample file

      cd /usr/local/datakit/conf.d/prom/
      cp prom.conf.sample tidb_prom.conf

  2. Adjust tidb_prom.conf

??? Info' tidb_prom.conf '

  # Exporter URLs.
  # urls = ["", ""]
  urls = [""]
  # Unix Domain Socket URL. Using socket to request data when not empty.
  uds_path = ""

  # Ignore URL request errors.
  ignore_req_err = false

  ## Collector alias.
  source = "tidb_prom"

  ## Metrics type whitelist. Optional: counter, gauge, histogram, summary
  # Default only collect 'counter' and 'gauge'.
  # Collect all if empty.
  metric_types = ["counter", "gauge","histogram"]

  ## Measurement prefix.
  # Add prefix to measurement set name.
  measurement_prefix = "tidb_"

  ## TLS configuration.
  tls_open = false
  # tls_ca = "/tmp/ca.crt"
  # tls_cert = "/tmp/peer.crt"
  # tls_key = "/tmp/peer.key"

  ## Set to 'true' to enable election.
  election = true

  # Ignore tags. Multi supported.
  # The matched tags would be dropped, but the item would still be sent.
  # tags_ignore = ["xxxx"]

  ## Customize authentification. For now support Bearer Token only.
  # Filling in 'token' or 'token_file' is acceptable.
  # [inputs.prom.auth]
  # type = "bearer_token"
  # token = "xxxxxxxx"
  # token_file = "/tmp/token"

  ## Customize measurement set name.
  # Treat those metrics with prefix as one set.
  # Prioritier over 'measurement_name' configuration.
  #  prefix = "cpu_"
  #  name = "cpu"

  # [[inputs.prom.measurements]]
  # prefix = "mem_"
  # name = "mem"

  # Not collecting those data when tag matched.
  # key1 = [ "val1.*", "val2.*"]
  # key2 = [ "val1.*", "val2.*"]

  # Add HTTP headers to data pulling.
  # Root = "passwd"
  # Michael = "1234"

  # Rename tag key in prom data.
    overwrite_exist_tags = false
    # tag1 = "new-name-1"
    # tag2 = "new-name-2"
    # tag3 = "new-name-3"

  # Send collected metrics to center as log.
  # When 'service' field is empty, using 'service tag' as measurement set name.
    enable = false
    service = "service_name"

  ## Customize tags.

  1. Copy the sample file

    cd /usr/local/datakit/conf.d/prom/
    cp prom.conf.sample tidb_pd_prom.conf

  2. Adjust tidb_pd_prom.conf

??? Info' tidb_pd_prom.conf '

  # Exporter URLs.
  # urls = ["", ""]
  urls = [""]
  # Unix Domain Socket URL. Using socket to request data when not empty.
  uds_path = ""

  # Ignore URL request errors.
  ignore_req_err = false

  ## Collector alias.
  source = "tidb_pd_prom"

  ## Collect data output.
  # Fill this when want to collect the data to local file nor center.
  # After filling, could use 'datakit --prom-conf /path/to/this/conf' to debug local storage measurement set.
  # Using '--prom-conf' when priority debugging data in 'output' path.
  # output = "/abs/path/to/file"

  ## Collect data upper limit as bytes.
  # Only available when set output to local file.
  # If collect data exceeded the limit, the data would be dropped.
  # Default is 32MB.
  # max_file_size = 0

  ## Metrics type whitelist. Optional: counter, gauge, histogram, summary
  # Default only collect 'counter' and 'gauge'.
  # Collect all if empty.
  metric_types = ["counter", "gauge"]

  ## Metrics name whitelist.
  # Regex supported. Multi supported, conditions met when one matched.
  # Collect all if empty.
  # metric_name_filter = ["cpu"]

  ## Measurement prefix.
  # Add prefix to measurement set name.
  measurement_prefix = "tidb_pd_"

  ## Measurement name.
  # If measurement_name is empty, split metric name by '_', the first field after split as measurement set name, the rest as current metric name.
  # If measurement_name is not empty, using this as measurement set name.
  # Always add 'measurement_prefix' prefix at last.
  # measurement_name = "prom"

  ## TLS configuration.
  tls_open = false
  # tls_ca = "/tmp/ca.crt"
  # tls_cert = "/tmp/peer.crt"
  # tls_key = "/tmp/peer.key"

  ## Set to 'true' to enable election.
  election = true

  # Ignore tags. Multi supported.
  # The matched tags would be dropped, but the item would still be sent.
  # tags_ignore = ["xxxx"]

  ## Customize authentification. For now support Bearer Token only.
  # Filling in 'token' or 'token_file' is acceptable.
  # [inputs.prom.auth]
  # type = "bearer_token"
  # token = "xxxxxxxx"
  # token_file = "/tmp/token"

  ## Customize measurement set name.
  # Treat those metrics with prefix as one set.
  # Prioritier over 'measurement_name' configuration.
  #  prefix = "cpu_"
  #  name = "cpu"

  # [[inputs.prom.measurements]]
  # prefix = "mem_"
  # name = "mem"

  # Not collecting those data when tag matched.
  # key1 = [ "val1.*", "val2.*"]
  # key2 = [ "val1.*", "val2.*"]

  # Add HTTP headers to data pulling.
  # Root = "passwd"
  # Michael = "1234"

  # Rename tag key in prom data.
    #overwrite_exist_tags = false
    overwrite_exist_tags = false
      cluster_version = "version"
      server_id = "s_id"
      server_version = "version"
      server_go_version = "version"
    # tag1 = "new-name-1"
    # tag2 = "new-name-2"
    # tag3 = "new-name-3"

  # Send collected metrics to center as log.
  # When 'service' field is empty, using 'service tag' as measurement set name.
    enable = false
    service = "service_name"

  ## Customize tags.

  1. Copy the sample file

    cd /usr/local/datakit/conf.d/prom/
    cp prom.conf.sample tidb_tikv_prom.conf

  2. Adjust tidb_tikv_prom.conf

???+ Info' tidb_tikv_prom.conf '

  # Exporter URLs.
  # urls = ["", ""]
  urls = [""]
  # Unix Domain Socket URL. Using socket to request data when not empty.
  uds_path = ""

  # Ignore URL request errors.
  ignore_req_err = false

  ## Collector alias.
  source = "tidb_tikv_prom"

  ## Collect data output.
  # Fill this when want to collect the data to local file nor center.
  # After filling, could use 'datakit --prom-conf /path/to/this/conf' to debug local storage measurement set.
  # Using '--prom-conf' when priority debugging data in 'output' path.
  # output = "/abs/path/to/file"

  ## Collect data upper limit as bytes.
  # Only available when set output to local file.
  # If collect data exceeded the limit, the data would be dropped.
  # Default is 32MB.
  # max_file_size = 0

  ## Metrics type whitelist. Optional: counter, gauge, histogram, summary
  # Default only collect 'counter' and 'gauge'.
  # Collect all if empty.
  metric_types = ["counter", "gauge"]

  ## Metrics name whitelist.
  # Regex supported. Multi supported, conditions met when one matched.
  # Collect all if empty.
  # metric_name_filter = ["cpu"]

  ## Measurement prefix.
  # Add prefix to measurement set name.
  measurement_prefix = "tidb_tikv_"

  ## Measurement name.
  # If measurement_name is empty, split metric name by '_', the first field after split as measurement set name, the rest as current metric name.
  # If measurement_name is not empty, using this as measurement set name.
  # Always add 'measurement_prefix' prefix at last.
  # measurement_name = "prom"

  ## TLS configuration.
  tls_open = false
  # tls_ca = "/tmp/ca.crt"
  # tls_cert = "/tmp/peer.crt"
  # tls_key = "/tmp/peer.key"

  ## Set to 'true' to enable election.
  election = true

  # Ignore tags. Multi supported.
  # The matched tags would be dropped, but the item would still be sent.
  # tags_ignore = ["xxxx"]

  ## Customize authentification. For now support Bearer Token only.
  # Filling in 'token' or 'token_file' is acceptable.
  # [inputs.prom.auth]
  # type = "bearer_token"
  # token = "xxxxxxxx"
  # token_file = "/tmp/token"

  ## Customize measurement set name.
  # Treat those metrics with prefix as one set.
  # Prioritier over 'measurement_name' configuration.
  #  prefix = "cpu_"
  #  name = "cpu"

  # [[inputs.prom.measurements]]
  # prefix = "mem_"
  # name = "mem"

  # Not collecting those data when tag matched.
  # key1 = [ "val1.*", "val2.*"]
  # key2 = [ "val1.*", "val2.*"]

  # Add HTTP headers to data pulling.
  # Root = "passwd"
  # Michael = "1234"

  # Rename tag key in prom data.
    overwrite_exist_tags = false
    # tag1 = "new-name-1"
    # tag2 = "new-name-2"
    # tag3 = "new-name-3"

  # Send collected metrics to center as log.
  # When 'service' field is empty, using 'service tag' as measurement set name.
    enable = false
    service = "service_name"

  ## Customize tags.

  1. Copy the sample file

    cd /usr/local/datakit/conf.d/prom/
    cp prom.conf.sample tidb_tiflash_prom.conf

  2. Adjust tidb_tiflash_prom.conf

???+ Info' tidb_tiflash_prom.conf '

  # Exporter URLs.
  # urls = ["", ""]
  urls = ["",""]
  # Unix Domain Socket URL. Using socket to request data when not empty.
  uds_path = ""

  # Ignore URL request errors.
  ignore_req_err = false

  ## Collector alias.
  source = "tidb_tiflash"

  ## Collect data output.
  # Fill this when want to collect the data to local file nor center.
  # After filling, could use 'datakit --prom-conf /path/to/this/conf' to debug local storage measurement set.
  # Using '--prom-conf' when priority debugging data in 'output' path.
  # output = "/abs/path/to/file"

  ## Collect data upper limit as bytes.
  # Only available when set output to local file.
  # If collect data exceeded the limit, the data would be dropped.
  # Default is 32MB.
  # max_file_size = 0

  ## Metrics type whitelist. Optional: counter, gauge, histogram, summary
  # Default only collect 'counter' and 'gauge'.
  # Collect all if empty.
  metric_types = ["counter", "gauge"]

  ## Metrics name whitelist.
  # Regex supported. Multi supported, conditions met when one matched.
  # Collect all if empty.
  # metric_name_filter = ["cpu"]

  ## Measurement prefix.
  # Add prefix to measurement set name.
  measurement_prefix = "tidb_tiflash_"

  ## Measurement name.
  # If measurement_name is empty, split metric name by '_', the first field after split as measurement set name, the rest as current metric name.
  # If measurement_name is not empty, using this as measurement set name.
  # Always add 'measurement_prefix' prefix at last.
  # measurement_name = "prom"

  ## TLS configuration.
  tls_open = false
  # tls_ca = "/tmp/ca.crt"
  # tls_cert = "/tmp/peer.crt"
  # tls_key = "/tmp/peer.key"

  ## Set to 'true' to enable election.
  election = true

  # Ignore tags. Multi supported.
  # The matched tags would be dropped, but the item would still be sent.
  # tags_ignore = ["xxxx"]

  ## Customize authentification. For now support Bearer Token only.
  # Filling in 'token' or 'token_file' is acceptable.
  # [inputs.prom.auth]
  # type = "bearer_token"
  # token = "xxxxxxxx"
  # token_file = "/tmp/token"

  ## Customize measurement set name.
  # Treat those metrics with prefix as one set.
  # Prioritier over 'measurement_name' configuration.
  #  prefix = "cpu_"
  #  name = "cpu"

  # [[inputs.prom.measurements]]
  # prefix = "mem_"
  # name = "mem"

  # Not collecting those data when tag matched.
  # key1 = [ "val1.*", "val2.*"]
  # key2 = [ "val1.*", "val2.*"]

  # Add HTTP headers to data pulling.
  # Root = "passwd"
  # Michael = "1234"

  # Rename tag key in prom data.
    overwrite_exist_tags = false
    # tag1 = "new-name-1"
    # tag2 = "new-name-2"
    # tag3 = "new-name-3"

  # Send collected metrics to center as log.
  # When 'service' field is empty, using 'service tag' as measurement set name.
    enable = false
    service = "service_name"

  ## Customize tags.

Note that the marker needs to be adjusted

Description of main parameters:

  • urls: prometheus Metric address, where you fill in the metric URL exposed by the corresponding component
  • source: Collector alias, recommended to distinguish
  • interval: collection interval
  • measurement_prefix: Metric set prefix for easy management of classification
  • tls_open:TLS Configuration
  • metric_types: Metric type, not filled in, represents the collection of all metrics, recommended to fill in as needed, involving timeline
  • tags_ignore: ignore unnecessary Tags
  • [inputs.prom.tags_rename.mapping]: tag rename, if tag and filed rename are encountered, tag needs to be renamed, otherwise the whole index cannot be collected.
  • [inputs.prom.tags]: Set tags to apply to all metrics currently in use

Restart DataKit

systemctl restart datakit


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