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Cloud Account Billing Inspection Intelligent Integration


Cloud (now only suport alibaba cloud) Account Billing Inspection helps subscribers manage budget alerts, abnormal cost alerts, forecast costs for cloud services and provides subscribers with the ability to visualize and support multi-dimensional visualization of consumption of cloud service resources.


  1. Offline deployment of DataFlux Func GSE, Or activate the DataFlux Func Hosted Edition
  2. Create API Key in Guance "management/API Key management"

Note:If you are considering using a cloud server for your DataFlux Func offline deployment, please consider deploying with your current Guance SaaS on the same carrier in the same region

Note 2: Since instance level billing data is stored in logs, Guance SaaS log data is only stored for 15 days by default.

Start Intelligent Inspection

In the DataFlux Func, install and activate the following through the "Script Market": Guance Integration (Huawei Cloud - Billing Collection - Instance Dimension), Guance Integration (Aliyun - Billing Collection - Instance Dimension), and Guance Integration (Tencent Cloud - Billing Collection - Instance Dimension). Ensure that the data collection period is over 15 days. Then, install the "Guance Custom Inspection (Billing - Instance Dimension)" and follow the prompts to configure the Guance API Key to complete activation.

Select the inspection scene you want to enable in the DataFlux Func script market and click install. Configure the Guance API Key and GuanceNode, then select deploy and start the script.


Once the deployment of the startup script is successful, it will automatically create the startup script and trigger configuration. You can check the corresponding configuration directly by clicking on the link.


Configs Intelligent Inspection

Configure Intelligent Inspection in Guance


Enable / Disable

Smart Inspection "Cloud Account Billing Inspection Intelligent Integration" is "On" by default, you can manually "Off", when it is on, it will inspection the configured cloud accounts.


Intelligent Inspection supports "Export JSON configuration". Under the operation menu on the right side of the Intelligent Inspection list, click the "Export" button to export the JSON code of the current inspection, and the export file name format: intelligent inspection name.json.


Intelligent check "Cloud Account Billing Inspection Intelligent Integration" supports users to manually add filter conditions. Under the operation menu on the right side of the intelligent check list, click the "Edit" button to edit the check template.

  • Filter Criteria: Configure corresponding cloud vendor and cloud account information
  • Alarm Notification: Support the selection and editing of alarm policies, including the level of events to be notified, the notification object and the alarm silence period

Click Edit to configure entry parameters, then fill in the corresponding detection object in parameter configuration, and click Save to start check:


You can configure multiple cloud accounts and corresponding budget information with reference to the following configure .

 //  Configuration Example:

View Events

Based on the Guance intelligence algorithm, the intelligent inspection will look for abnormalities in cloud asset costs and budget metrics, such as cloud asset costs suddenly occurring abnormally. For abnormal cases, Smart Inspection will generate corresponding events. Under the operation menu on the right side of the Smart Inspection list, click the "View Related Events" button to view the corresponding abnormal events.


Event Details Page

Click "Event" to view the details page of intelligent check events, including event status, exception occurrence time, exception name, basic attributes, event details, alarm notification, history and related events.

  • Click the "View Monitor Configuration" icon in the upper right corner of the Details page to support viewing and editing the configuration details of the current intelligent check
  • Click the "Export Event JSON" icon in the upper right corner of the details page to support exporting the details of events

Basic Properties

  • Detection Dimensions: Filter criteria based on smart check configuration, enabling replication of detection dimensions key/value, adding to filters and viewing related logs, containers, processes, security patrol, links, user access monitoring, availability monitoring and CI data
  • Extended Attributes: Support replication in the form of key/value after selecting extended attributes and forward/reverse filtering.


Event Details

  • Event overview: Describe the object, content, etc. of the abnormal inspection events
  • Cost analysis: You can view the consumption trend of the current abnormal cloud account for the past 30 days
  • Abnormal interval: The abnormal start time to the end time in the intelligent inspection data

  • Consumption amount increase product ranking: View the current cloud account product cost ranking

  • Spending amount increase instance ranking: View current cloud account instance cost ranking
  • Expense Forecast: Forecast the consumption amount of the cloud account for the remaining dates of the month
  • Confidence interval: Predict the exact range of the trend line



Support to view detection objects, exception/recovery time and duration.


Support to view associated events by filtering fields and selected time component information.


You can view more granular information about the corresponding exception messages, and the factors that may affect them, through the Cloud Billing Instance Expense Monitoring view in the Event List image


**1.How to configure the detection frequency of Cloud Account Billing Inspection Intelligent Integration **

  • In the DataFlux Func, add fixed_crontab='0 0 * * *', timeout=900 in the decorator when writing the check processing function, and then configure it in "management/auto-trigger configuration".

2. Cloud Account Billing Inspection Intelligent Integration may not have exception analysis when triggered

When there is no exception analysis in the inspection report, please check the current data collection status of datakit.

3.Abnormal errors are found in scripts that were previously running normally during the inspection process

Please update the referenced script set in DataFlux Func's script marketplace, you can view the update log of the script marketplace via Change Log to facilitate immediate script update.

4.Under what circumstances will Cloud Account Billing Inspection Intelligent Integration event be generated

Using the specified cloud vendor product cost sum as the entry point, when there is a significant change in this cost information or when the budget of the total cost exceeds the configured budget triggers the generation of event logic for root cause analysis and generates a walk-through event.

  • Tracking thresholds: e.g., current period cost year-over-year > 100%

5.Cloud Account Billing Inspection Intelligent Integration no exceptions for a long time

If billing exceptions are found in the online view patrol but not in the patrol, you should first check whether the patrol is open for more than 15 days, secondly, you should check whether the use of log data storage expiration policy is greater than 15 days, and finally, you should check in DataFlux Func whether the automatic triggering task is correctly configured.

6. During the upgrade inspection process, it was found that there was no change in the corresponding script set in the Startup

Please delete the corresponding script set first, then click the upgrade button to configure the corresponding Guance API key to complete the upgrade.

7. How to determine if the inspection is effective after it is enabled

Check the corresponding inspection status in "Management/Auto-trigger configuration". The status should be "enabled" first, and then click "Execute" to verify if there is any problem with the inspection script. If the words "executed successfully xxx minutes ago" appear, the inspection is running normally and is effective.


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